Lack of Personal Contact
Teaching online presupposes lack of personal contact. You can’t really feel a person and influence on him/her by means of direct touch or moves. This kind of lesson format lacks improvisation and a teacher is bond to a certain way of material explanation that is constrained. Also, if you are an active person, online teaching may be a challenge. The same is about active students you may have. The lessons you give should be really evolving to have permanent focus on what a subject matter.Tricky Situations
No matter what a great professional you may be, there is always some place for growing. We all are people and we can’t know everything that’s why intricate situations may happen to us. Thoughtful students will always have questions, and you may not have answers to all of them. Online lessons just make such situations more obvious, so you should be ready for that and try to plan lessons is a way that everything is perfectly clear.
Thorough Lesson Planning
Of course, every lesson should be practical and your task is to give as much information as possible, so that students could apply knowledge when needed and their skills could help them grow. Online lessons are time limited and there is no need to beat about the bush. All the information provided from your side should be clear enough and all the instructions short and precise.
Lack of Interaction with Colleagues
Teaching online means being isolated. You just hold lessons and interact with your students. You do not talk to other teachers and that may be important to hear other colleagues’ opinion as for the activities they involve in their lessons, their experience as for students’ reaction, preferences, online teaching methods that work and that are not really appropriate.
Necessary Tools
Before you start, think over the main tools you need in your work. Online teaching means high speed internet and permanent access to e-mails, time for assignments assessment, etc. Also, that would be great to take some online courses by yourself and see the way it works from a student’s perspective. Thus, you will have a clear picture of what works and what is redundant. You will get some other sources for inspiration. Online teaching is a good way of earning money, although it is important to realize your strengths and weaknesses, and plan lessons in a way they are beneficial for learners.