Audiobooks facilitate text comprehension. Not all the
children are good at letters decoding, and listening to phonemes that
constitute words is a wonderful way out. Although, a teacher should keep an eye
on students who should focus on the text meaning while hearing, not just
decoding. Below are some other obvious advantages of the audiobooks

Listening Skills
Audiobooks are wondrous resources for listening skills
development. They help to concentrate easily and decode phonemes. Thus, a new
ability to listen attentively to a speaker, a sender of message, appears, and a
student becomes an effective recipient. Audiobooks are an integral part of
foreign languages learning. It helps to get an insight on peculiarities of
foreign language words and their interconnection in sentences. With audiobooks
students may get more information on a subject they are interested in, and
improve their knowledge level.
Independent Activity
Audiobooks are resources that everybody may use
independently. This motivates more, as there is no need to wait for a tutor to
have practical lessons. Depending on individual schedule every student has, it
becomes possible to access audiobooks without any limits as for place and time.
Moreover, multitasking presupposes various activities implementation, so
listening to audiobooks may be one of them.
Engrossing Activity for All
Listening to audiobook in the classroom involves all the
students, and comparing to reading activity, listening to audiobooks is not
that boring. When reading aloud, students are not really attentive, all that
they do is follow the reader waiting for their turn. Listening to an audiobook
presupposes individual proper understanding, and tasks completion.
While-listening activities may bring diversity and check comprehension.
Children with Disabilities
Audiobooks help children with disabilities. Students with
dyslexia have a bad attitude to reading, as they experience difficulties with
decoding letters. Listening comprehension in much better for them then reading,
that evokes only anxiety and rejection. While listening, dyslexic students
improve their decoding abilities, so in future reading would not provoke so
many difficulties as it was before.
Fun Learning
Learning with audiobooks is possible while travelling, and
it is a fun activity as many audiobooks have music on the background. A
narrator preserves all emotional expressions, and the way he/she delivers text
is so fascinating that a listener may have a feeling of interaction with a
narrator. Also, if a student listens to audiobooks with a friend, they may act
various scenes together.
Audiobooks are great helpers in attentive listening skills
development and fast comprehension. That is a fun, and evolving activity for a
group of students, and individual practice. Also, children with disabilities
will have a much easier perception of the phonemes than letters.
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